Meet the team

Project Lead

The project lead helps to manage the entire project, making sure the team are hitting their goals and everything is working smoothly.

Photo of Kush Makkapati

Kush Makkapati

Software Engineering


Making sure all of the flight critical electronics are operational and up to spec is a part of the job for the Avionics sub-team.

Photo of Yousef Shokil

Yousef Shokil

Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering

Photo of Mohammed Ayman Shaikh

Mohammed Ayman Shaikh

Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Photo of Haziq Bin Mahamad Saidi

Haziq Bin Mahamad Saidi

Electronics and Computer Engineering

Photo of Parsa Izadi

Parsa Izadi

Aerospace Engineering

Photo of Sophia El-Khalil

Sophia El-Khalil

Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering

Structures and Manufacturing

The team designs the main structure of the UAV, which includes the fuselage and arm system for the motors and propellers. Other areas of design includes the payload system, gimbal camera system, motor mounts, etc. The vast majority of work that the structures team does is based in CAD, specifically Fusion 360 and Solidworks. The team also works together to maintain a production perspective on the design by manufacturing the CAD models into physical prototypes.

Photo of Camille Langen

Camille Langen

General Engineering

Photo of Ross Jamieson

Ross Jamieson

Aerospace Engineering

Photo of Jimson Wong

Jimson Wong

Mechanical Engineering

Photo of Umairah Ja'afar

Umairah Ja'afar

Mechatronic and Robotic Engineering

Photo of Adam Fuery

Adam Fuery

Mechanical Engineering

Photo of Nat Tsang

Nat Tsang

General Engineering

Photo of Gabriel Phelan

Gabriel Phelan

Aerospace Engineering

Photo of Jack Robertson

Jack Robertson

Mechanical Engineering

Flight Dynamics

As the patent involves a variable incidence wing, the Flight Dynamics team are tasked with designing, manufacturing, and testing a wing structure. Specifically, they focus on the carrying capacity as well as the control of airflow around the fuselage of the aircraft.

Photo of Thomas Mccarthy

Thomas Mccarthy

Aerospace Engineering

Photo of Matthew Kerr

Matthew Kerr

General Engineering

Photo of Parsa Izadi

Parsa Izadi

Aerospace Engineering

Photo of Charles Brownsell

Charles Brownsell

Aerospace Engineering

Photo of Jacob Dunn

Jacob Dunn

Aerospace Engineering

Photo of Rafal Zygmunt Adamek

Rafal Zygmunt Adamek

Aerospace Engineering

Photo of Holly Warne

Holly Warne

Aerospace Engineering

Photo of Alexander Wareham

Alexander Wareham

Aerospace Engineering

Photo of Aaron Jacob

Aaron Jacob

Aerospace Engineering

Photo of Luke Dolman

Luke Dolman

Aerospace Engineering


Missions works hard to make our drone fully autonomous, as well as connecting the drone to our ground control system for telemetry transmission and analysis.

Photo of Julian Jones

Julian Jones

Computer Science

Photo of Kwashie Andoh

Kwashie Andoh

Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Photo of Joe Paton

Joe Paton

Computer Science

Photo of David Gasinski

David Gasinski

Computer Science

Photo of Shadab Ali Mir

Shadab Ali Mir

General Engineering

Photo of Jack Smith

Jack Smith

Computer Science